How to choose the best eco cleaning products; 21st Century style! (Part 1)

Deciding to switch to non toxic cleaning products is easy.

Do you wear safety gear when cleaning?

That ‘clean’ smell could be damaging your respiratory system! Think of Health and Safety at home.
Image Source DeviantArt by WWGMwC1

That ‘clean’ smell, which you know is chlorine bleach, or ammonia, is damaging your respiratory system and who knows what else! So switch to non-toxic cleaners, it’s not scary or hard! But where do you start? How can you tell if it’s ‘greenwash’? What are those ingredients anyway? And how do you know it will clean properly?

In the first part of this series which helps you choose the best eco or green cleaning products, ask yourself:
1.    Is it 21st century? You can opt to clean the old-fashioned way using Bicarb Soda and Vinegar to replace some of your cleaning products, it just requires a bit of preparation time and a little effort scrubbing.

Not all old-fashioned cleaning methods are safe.

Old-fashioned cleaning methods require a bit of effort, and are not always safe by modern standards.
Image Source: DeviantArt by GothicBohemianStock

However, don’t think that old fashioned is the same as safe and natural; not all old-fashioned cleaning recipes are safe.  For example cleaning glass with Methylated spirits and newspaper is not such a good idea; Methylated Spirit is toxic and flammable, so it is dangerous to have around the house.

Eco cleaning products use modern science and safe ingredients to clean, without the old fashioned hard work.

Look for products which are safe and natural, biodegrade quickly, and are formulated to clean easily and effectively.
A good Eco cleaning product does not kill the garden if you use the waste water (grey water) to water the plants.

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